Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lynn Darrow

Fellow D.I.V.A.s, I am sharing an excerpt from my essay following the Fall BLM Challenge in 2009. I hope you find my story motivating. I encourage you to share your stories and then read success stories from the blog often; they will positively motivate you. Share this experience with others so that they too can learn the formula to achieve happiness.

-Lynn Darrow

D.I.V.A. Team Member, 2009
3-Peat D.I.V.A. - Winter, Summer and Fall 2009

What the Body and Life Makeover Challenge Means to Me

Lynn Darrow


I’ve been a DIVA for almost one year now; an amazing year that has altered my life for the better. The journey has been fulfilling beyond measure.

One year ago, I stumbled upon an ad in the Acorn about the Body Life Makeover Challenge. I had seen this advertisement before and it always struck a core. I was a young Mom so caught up in the daily activities of life that I hardly knew which way was up and agonized over my daily ritual of being super mom. I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life and had been fairly sedentary for almost 2 years. My attitude was negative and I was desperate to change. I was blind to the fortune all around me and instead mired in shades of grey.

I walked into the BLM challenge surrounded by a group of women ranging in sizes and ages, many of whom had similar demeanors of desperation. I never imagined how changed I would become.

It is very true that with an open mind and tenacity to succeed, any new program aimed at improving one’s self can be rewarding experience. But Shana’s program is above the rest. It is impossible to replicate the supportive environment that ensues during 12 weeks with a group of great women on a mission to succeed. Tears of sadness and tears of joys are shared throughout the program. Shana demands you focus on what the inner you really wants from this life and she commits herself to helping you on your path to fulfillment. Carol Venus is by her side with words of encouragement and support which are near angelic like. The 12 weeks with these incredible ladies is a journey unto itself and the resulting bond with Shana, Carol and the other DIVAs lifts you up to a new level of confidence and joy that can only come from supportive personal relationships.

At the conclusion of 3 DIVA programs, I have released 24 pounds. I have dropped from a size 18 to a size 12. I regularly exercise at least 3 days per week and have reignited my passion for dancing in my Zumba class, which I may never have been introduced to if it were not for Shana. Both my husband and children have adopted a more active life style. My eating habits have improved significantly. When I cook for the family, my food choices are healthy and natural versus processed and fat-laden. Shana has taught me a winning formula for long term success in being my personal best.

The biggest reward I walk away from is my attitude towards life. In one year I’ve gone from a state of doldrums to an attitude of gratitude for all of the fortune around me. The universe is conspiring on my behalf and has brought me so many gifts in the past year. My wheel of life is balanced and my demeanor is one of joy and gratitude. I will forever be grateful for this experience. My children will be raised to have a more positive outlook on life. A sincere thank you to Shana, Carol and all of the DIVAs for being a part of the magic in 2009. I look forward to continuing the magic in 2010.